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As a component framework for Django, Tetra requires that you have a Django project setup before installing. Follow the Django introduction tutorial.

Once ready, install Tetra from PyPi:

$ pip install tetra


As Tetra is still being developed it has only been tested with Python 3.9 and 3.10, we intend to support at least 3.8 before a V1 release.

Initial configuration

Modify your Django

    # Add the tetra app!
    # Tetra must be before the Django staticfiles app in INSTALLED_APPS so that the 
    # Tetra's 'runserver' command takes precedence as it will automatically recompile 
    # your JS & CSS during development.

    # Add the Tetra middleware at the end of the list.
    # This adds the JS and CSS for your components to HTML responses

Modify your

from django.urls import path, include
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

urlpatterns = [
    # Add the Tetra app urls:
    # These include the endpoints that your components will connect to when 
    # calling public methods.
    path('tetra/', include('tetra.urls')),
    # Also ensure you have setup static files for development:
] + static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)

Installing esbuild

Tetra requires esbuild, this is used to build your components' JavaScript/CSS into packages, and create sourcemaps so that you can trace errors back to your source Python files. The easiest way to install esbuild is via Node.js npm, in the root of your Django project:

$ npm init  # If you don't already have a npm package.json and ./node_modules directory
$ npm install esbuild

By default, Tetra will expect the esbuild binary to be available as [projectroot]/node_modules/.bin/esbuild. If you have it installed in a different location you can set TETRA_ESBUILD_PATH in your Django file to the correct path.

Modify base template

Next, ensure that you have included the tetra_styles and tetra_scripts tags in your base HTML template. These instruct the TetraMiddleware where to insert the CSS and JavaScript for the components used on the page:

{% load tetra %}
    {% tetra_styles %}
    {% tetra_scripts include_alpine=True %}

Inline syntax highlighting

If you are using VS Code you can use the Python Inline Source extension to syntax highlight the inline HTML, CSS and JavaScript in your component files. It looks for Python type annotations labeling the language used in strings.

Running the dev server

Finally, run the Django development server command as usual. When your files are modified it will rebuild your JS and CSS:

$ python runserver

You can also manually run the component build process with:

$ python tetrabuild