A component is created as a subclass of BasicComponent
or Component
and registered to a library by placing it into a library package, see component libraries.
# yourapp/components/
# or
# yourapp/components/default/
from sourcetypes import django_html, javascript, css
from tetra import Component, public
class MyComponent(Component):
Attributes on a component are standard Python types. When the component is rendered, the state of the whole class is saved (using Pickle, see state security) to enable resuming the component with its full state when public method calls are made by the browser.
As components are standard Python classes you can construct them with any number of methods. These are by default private, and only available on the server and to your template.
Load method
The load
method is run both when the component initiates, and after it is resumed from its saved state, e.g. after a @public method has finished. Any attributes that are set by the load method are not saved with the state. This is to reduce the size of the state and ensure that the state is not stale when resumed.
Arguments are passed to the load
method from the Tetra component "@
" template tag. Arguments are saved with the state so that when the component is resumed the load
method will receive the same values.
Note: Django Models and Querysets are saved as references to your database, not the current 'snapshots', see state optimisations.
Public attributes
Public attributes are created with public()
. These are available to the JavaScript in the browser as part of the Alpine.js data model.
Values must be serializable via our extended JSON - this includes all standard JSON types as well as datetime
, date
, time
, and set
. In the browser these translate to Date
and Set
class MyComponent(Component):
test = public("Initial String")
message = public("Initial Message")
a_property = public("Something")
counter = public(0)
Public methods
The public
decorator makes "public" methods that are available from JavaScript on the client.
Values passed to, or returned from, public methods must be of the same extended JSON types as public attribute above.
By default, public methods re-render your template and updates the HTML in place in the browser.
Public methods can disable the re-rendering by setting update=False
Python public methods can also call JavaScript methods in the browser as callbacks. These are exposed on the self.client
"callback queue" object, see client
API. They are executed by the client when it receives the response from the method call.
class MyComponent(Component):
def update_specific_data(self):
self.client.clientMethod('A value')
Public methods can "watch" public attributes and be called automatically when they change.
They can watch multiple attributes by passing multiple names to .watch()
class MyComponent(Component):
def message_change(self, value, old_value, attr):
self.a_value = f"Your message is: {message}"
decorator is applied, the method receives 3 parameters:
- value: The current value of the attribute
- old_value: The old value of the attribute before the change. You can make comparisons here.
- attr: The name of the attribute. This is needed, if the method is watching more than one attributes.
You can add .debounce(ms)
to debounce the calling of the method.
By default debounce
is "trailing edge", it will be triggered at the end of the timeout.
It takes an optional immediate
boolean argument (i.e. .debounce(200, immediate=True)
), this changes the implementation to "leading edge" triggering the method immediately.
class MyComponent(Component):
def message_change(self, value, old_value, attr):
self.a_value = f"Your message is: {message}"
On Python versions prior to 3.9 the chained decorator syntax above is invalid (see PEP 614). On older versions you can apply the decorator multiple times with each method required:
class MyComponent(Component):
def message_change(self, value, old_value, attr):
self.a_value = f"Your message is: {message}"
You can add .throttle(ms)
to throttle the calling of the method.
By default throttle
is "leading edge" triggering immediately. You can instruct it to also trigger on the "trailing edge" by setting argument trailing=True
. The leading edge trigger can be disabled with leading=False
class MyComponent(Component):
..."message").throttle(200, trailing=True)
def message_change(self, value, old_value, attr):
self.a_value = f"Your message is: {message}"
Template types
Tetra components supports two different template types:
Inline string templates
If the component has a template
attribute, it is used as Django template for the component in string form.
Tetra template tags are automatically made available to your inline templates, and all attributes and methods of the
component are available in the context.
File templates
You can also use the more traditional way and put your HTML code into a separate HTML file. You have to point to this
file using the template_name
attribute of the component class. Beware that you have to load the tetra
yourself there. This has the advantage of having full syntax highlighting and IDE goodies support in your file which
comes handy for especially bigger templates, but it splits a component a bit up into separate pieces.
Generic template hints
Components must have a single top level HTML root node.
HTML attributes passed to the component @
tag are available as attrs
in the context, this can be unpacked with the attribute ...
The template can contain replaceable {% block(s) %}
, the default
block is the target block if no block is specified when including a component in a page with inner content. This is similar to "slots" in other component frameworks. See passing blocks for more details.
You can use the Python Inline Source Syntax Highlighting VS Code extension to syntax highlight the inline HTML, CSS and JavaScript in your component files using type annotations.
class MyComponent(Component):
template: django_html = """
<div {% ... attrs %}>
<h1>My component</h1>
<p>{{ message }}</p>
{% block default %}{% endblock %}
# or:
template_name = "my_app/components/my_component.html"
You can easily check if a block is "filled" with content by using {% if blocks.<block name> %}
. With this, you can
bypass wrapping elements when a block was not used:
{% if blocks.title %}
<div class="card-header">
<h3 class="card-title">
{% block title %}{% endblock %}
<div class="card-actions">
{% block actions %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
Client side JavaScript
The script
attribute holds the client side Alpine.js JavaScript for your component. It should use export default
to export an object forming the Alpine.js component "Data". This will be extended with your public attributes and methods.
It can contain all standard Alpine methods such as init
Other JavaScript files can be imported using standard import
syntax relative to the source file.
You can use the javascript
type annotation for syntax highlighting in VS Code.
class MyComponent(Component):
script: javascript = """
export default {
init() {
// Do stuff...
handleClick() {
this.message = `Hello ${}`;
clientMethod(msg) {
CSS Styles
The styles
attribute holds the CSS for your component.
You can use the css
type annotation for syntax highlighting in VS Code.
The plan is to add support for PostCSS and tools such as SASS and LESS in future, along with component scoped CSS in future.
From public methods its possible to call client side javascript via the .client
API. Any of your JavaScript methods can be called via this api:
class MyComponent(Component):
def method_calls_client_method(self):
self.client.clientMethod('A value')
script: javascript = """
export default {
clientMethod(msg) {
If is implemented as a queue that is sent to the client after thee public method returns. The client they calls all scheduled callbacks with the provided arguments.
Arguments must be of the same types as our extended JSON, see public attributes for details.
Built in client methods
There are a number of Tetra built in methods, these are all prefixed with a single underscore so as not to conflict with your own attributes and methods. These can be called both from JavaScript on the client and via the client
API from the server.
The _parent
attribute allows you to access the component parent component if there is one. Via this you can call methods, both JavaScript and public Python, on an ancestor component:
class MyComponent(Component):
def method_calls_client_method(self):
# Call a parent method
self.client._parent.clientMethod('A value')
You can chain _parent
to traverse back up the component tree:
class MyComponent(Component):
def method_calls_client_method(self):
# Call a grandparent method
self.client._parent._parent.clientMethod('A value')
The _redirect
method allows you to instruct the client to redirect to another url after calling a public method:
class MyComponent(Component):
def my_method(self):
This can be combined with Django's reverse()
class MyComponent(Component):
def my_method(self):
The _dispatch
method is a wrapper around the Alpine.js dispatch
magic allowing you to dispatch events from public server methods. These bubble up the DOM and be captured by listeners on (grand)parent components. It takes an event name as it's first argument, and an extended JSON serialisable object as its second argument. see Alpine.js $dispatch
for details.
class MyComponent(Component):
def my_method(self):
self.client._dispatch('my-event', {"some_data": 123})
In a (grand)parent component you can subscribe to these events with the Alpine.js x-on
or @
directive, calling both JavaScript or public Python methods:
class MyComponent(Component):
def handle_my_event(self, event):
template: django_html = """
<div {% ... attrs %}
script: javascript = """
export default {
handleMyEvent(event) {
the _removeComponent
method removed the component from the DOM and destroys it. This is useful when deleting an item on the server and wanting to remove the corresponding component in the browser:
class MyComponent(Component):
def delete_item(self):
The _updateData
method allows you to update specific public state data on the client. It takes a dict
of values to update on the client:
class MyComponent(Component):
def update_something(self):
"something": 123,
"somethingElse": 'A string',
This can be used to update data on a parent component:
class MyComponent(Component):
def update_parent(self):
"something": 123,
"somethingElse": 'A string',
Built in server methods
There are a number of built-in server methods:
The update
method instructs the component to rerender after the public method has completed, sending the updated HTML to the browser and "morphing" the DOM. Usually public methods do this by default. However, if this has been turned off with update=False
, and you want to conditionally update the html, you can use this:
class MyComponent(Component):
def update_something(self):
if some_value:
The update_data
method instructs the component to send the complete set of public attribute to the client, updating their values, useful in combination with @public(update=False)
class MyComponent(Component):
def update_something(self):
... # Do stuff, then
This removes and destroys the component in the browser and re-inserts a new copy into the DOM. Any client side state, such as cursor location in text inputs will be lost.
Combining Alpine.js and backend methods
Alpine functionality and Tetra components' backend methods can bee freely combined, so you can use the advantages of each of them.
This code creates a password input control with an inline "Show/Hide password" button. This is done using Alpine.js, just on the client - it would use too much overhead to send a request to the server just for toggling a password view. But additionally, the component calls the server side check method to monitor if the user has entered a valid password.
class PasswordInput(Component):
visible: bool = public(False)
password: str = public("")
valid: bool = public(True)
feedback_text: str = """password").debounce(500)
def check(self, value, old_value, attr_name):
"""Check password validity"""
if len(value) > 12:
self.valid = True
self.feedback_text = "Password has more than 12 chars."
self.valid = False
self.feedback_text = "Error: Password must have more than 12 chars."
template: django_html = """
<div class="input-group input-group-flat{% if password %}{% if valid %} is-valid{%
else %} is-invalid {% endif %}{% endif %}"
:class="valid ? 'is-valid' : 'is-invalid'"
<input class="form-control"
:type="visible ? 'text' : 'password'"
x-model="password" />
<span class="input-group-text">
<a href="#" class="input-group-link" @click="visible = !visible">
<span x-text="visible ? 'Hide' : 'Show'"></span>
<div class="{% if not valid %}in{% endif %}valid-feedback">
{{ feedback_text }}</div>