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Tetra is still early in its development, and we can make no promises about API stability at this stage.

The intention is to stabilise the API prior to a v1.0 release, as well as implementing some additional functionality. After v1.0 we will move to using Semantic Versioning.

[0.1.0] - unreleased


  • New package name: tetra
  • add conditional block check within components
  • Update Alpine.js to v3.13.8
  • switch to pyproject.toml based python package
  • improve demo project: TodoList component,- add django-environ for keeping secrets, use whitenoise for staticfiles
  • give users more hints when no components are found
  • MkDocs based documentation
  • format codebase with Black


  • basic testing using pytest


  • correctly find components

[0.0.5] - unreleased


  • This is the last package with the name "tetraframework", transition to "tetra"
  • Provisional Python 3.8 support


  • Windows support

[0.0.4] - 2022-06-22

  • Cleanup

[0.0.3] - 2022-05-29


  • _parent client attribute added, this can be used to access the parent component mounted in the client.
  • _redirect client method added, this can be used to redirect to another url from the public server methods. self.client._redirect("/test") would redirect to the /test url.
  • _dispatch client method added, this is a wrapper around the Alpine.js dispatch magic allowing you to dispatch events from public server methods. These bubble up the DOM and be captured by listeners on (grand)parent components. Example: self.client._dispatch("MyEvent", {'some_data': 123}).
  • _refresh public method added, this simply renders the component on the server updating the dom in the browser. This can be used in combination with _parent to instruct a parent component to re-render from a child components public method such as: self.client._parent._refresh()


  • Built in Tetra client methods renamed to be prefixed with an underscore so that they are separated from user implemented methods:
    • updateHtml is now _updateHtml
    • updateData is now _updateData
    • removeComponent is now _removeComponent
    • replaceComponentAndState is now _replaceComponent